Did you see this? This scumbag, racist, sexist, rich, old, white guy? He physical appearance confuses me. Maybe botox and plastic surgery? He is a hot mess. If you didn’t hear about it, Donald Sterling is the owner of the LA Clippers. His “girlfriend” recorded a bunch of mind-numbing, increasingly-annoying arguments. This was reported with all the journalistic integrity that TMZ can muster. Then re-reported on all the other news networks, with the same journalistic integrity.
In order to write my take on this situation, I listened to all of the recordings obtained by TMZ. My suggestion: don’t waste your time, energy or computer speakers. First, the arguments remind me of high schoolers and the fact that they are grown ass adults, just makes me nauseous! Listening to the recordings is exhausting, only because it is obvious this guy is a scumbag and this woman is recording him with the full intent of cashing out, big time. I don’t fault her too much. I do fault her for allowing herself to spend time - in any capacity - with such a person.
His whiny manipulative arguments of why he does not want HER to publicize that SHE associates with black people or minorities. While she herself is both a black/Latina with whom HE publicly associates. He assures her that he is not racist or doesn’t hate black people, after all he says, “I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses.” WHAT? It’s not like he does it out of the goodness of his heart. They are getting PAID for doing their jobs. They are not being GIVEN anything!
Then this misogynistic, prick goes on to tell his “girl,” “I don't want to change. If my girl can't do what I want, I don't want the girl. I'll find a girl that will do what I want! Believe me. I thought you were that girl—because I tried to do what you want. But you're not that girl.” This guy is a waste of space. He thinks “his girl” is an appliance and if it doesn’t work the way he thinks it should he just takes it back and gets another one. It is obvious that he does not view women as equal or even human! Oh did I mention that he is married?
Some are saying that he was illegally recorded and she was just doing this to get paid. Absolutely, I agree, but that does not take away from the fact that he is a sexist, racist, misogynistic, ignorant mother-fucker. Although he was illegally recorded, I am sure he has not hidden his views very well throughout his 70 plus years of life.
In fact in 2009 Sterling paid out $2.7 MILLION for a housing discrimination in a case brought by the Department of Justice. It was the largest payout ever or since. The quotes in the sworn testimony are even worse than his girlfriend’s recordings. Here is just a sampling from the lawsuit:
It’s funny that the NBA did not place any penalties on Mr. Sterling after that housing discrimination lawsuit? I wonder why? OH, maybe because it was hardly reported. But if you click on the quotes above it links to an ESPN Magazine 2009 article. So it is not as if it was hidden. It is not as if ANYONE who knows this guy could ever accuse him of being a decent human being. Maybe because it takes someone to illegally record a conversation then leak it to TMZ for anyone to take notice? Has it come to this? OR MAYBE, the reason the NBA did not do anything about the guilt in the past lawsuit, was because what Mr. Sterling did - in the housing department case - he did to poor people. You can treat poor people like shit and get away with it, but if you say something about a rich person, like Magic Johnson or Matt Kemp, you get held accountable. I hope that is not the case. I would like to think that racism and sexism is not overlooked if you are rich. If only!
But as I grow older I have seen proven time and time again that if you are a lifelong asshole, chances are it will catch up to you. Karma takes her time. She is in no rush. Maybe that is why the Clippers suck. Maybe that is why he is now losing his team. Maybe that is why he looks like .... I still can’t figure it out.
This guy is a total scumbag, without the African-Americans on his teams over the years his team would be worth nothing, he paid 18 million for the team in 1981 and now it worth about 700 million, I would say they made him a very wealthy person, he should be forced to sell his interest in the team, he is arrogant enough to fight back.
He is not going to be hurt by this. Just as he was not hurt by destroying peoples lives in the housing discrimination lawsuit in 2003 and 2009. When you are a billionaire these paltry $2 million pay outs are a joke. The fact that he is a disreputable, slime-ball who has been this way all his life and now, in his 80s, is somewhat being called out on dumb things he said to his girlfriend, is more of a joke than anything else. No one wanted to call him out and string him up when he was evicting an elderly, disabled, african-american woman after a flood in HIS building caused by HIS negligence destroyed all her belongings. His response was "Just evict the bitch." No one was up in arms when people complained about the smell in is buildings and he blamed the "blacks who smell" and the "Mexicans who sit around and smoke and drink all day." There is also the fact that there are many who are just like him. Who go under the radar or even out in the open and no one seems to take notice, or if they do, it is assumed that they are some radical who uses the "race card" or cries racism for no reason. I also wanted to point out that the fraternal twin brother or racism is sexism. They are usually together and follow the same m.o. He speaks to his mistress as if she is dispensable and arbitrary. He holds his wife in such high regard that he keeps spare "girls" like collecting figurines. I have no sympathy for this man. He is a caricature. And if so many support/ed this blatant racist and sexist, how can we combat the more sinister and underhanded latent racism and sexism? (If it's ok with you I may add this as an addendum to my original post. You got me going again. Thank YOU ! And thanks for commenting!
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